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J-1 Visa Application Process


信息将从系里和学者那里收集, 并且需要系主任的最终批准.


  • 邀请信/录取信,包括任何俄亥俄基金的资助细节(如果适用)
  • 英语水平证明(要求系收集并评估此证明)


  • 资助资料(如未获部门全额资助)
  • 学生及其家属的护照复印件

As of April 27, 2023, 交换访问学者计划的指定赞助商可以通过数字签名和电子传输交换访问学者身份资格证书(j -非移民)(表格DS-2019)。. 这意味着iss将通过电子邮件将DS-2019发送给访问学者. 

当国际访问者收到DS-2019表时, 他或她将需要支付SEVIS I-901费用220美元(信息包含在DS-2019中),并申请J-1签证进入美国. 

Dependents do not need to pay a SEVIS fee but they do need to apply for J-2 visas. This may also take several weeks.

Arrival/Check in

国际游客可以在DS-2019开始日期前30天进入美国. 交流访问者必须在进入美国后的3个工作日内向国际学生服务中心报告.

Important: 如果访问者不能在上述窗口期间进入美国并向国际社会安全服务处报告, ISSS将需要发布更新后的DS-2019,并推迟开始日期. Please contact ISSS if this situation arises.

After arriving at Ohio University, 国际访问者和部门负责人/联系人必须向国际学生服务中心报告,并安排新的学者介绍会. 国际访客必须出示包括护照在内的入境证件, DS-2019, and I-94 when reporting their arrival. 介绍会将包括有关保持移民身份的信息, health insurance, and applying for a Social Security Number.


Departments: Request a J-1 Visa for a Scholar

为国际访客索要移民文件, 移民部必须启动“J-1访客申请”改革小组 iCats


Access iCats

Requesting Departmental Access to iCats

  • Go to the iCats webpage
  • Select Department and click Request Access
  • Enter all information in the ---Departmental Access Request Form--- and click Request Access at the bottom of the page.
Form View
  •  完成后,您将看到一条待审核消息,并应收到一封确认电子邮件. 
iCats review screen



用您的OHIO ID和密码登录iCats后,点击 Departmental Services on the left hand pane. In the center section under tasks, click on J-1 Visitor Application. 

iCats Departmental Services

Use the Lookup 通过使用学生的大学PID或出生日期来确定您的学生是否已经拥有iCats个人资料.


如果学者没有记录,请通过导航回到创建记录 Departmental Services on the left hand pane. Then click on Add New Person 在屏幕中央的任务部分下面.

Dept Services Screenshot

Once you click on Add a new Person, an E-form will open. Please complete the E-Form to add the scholar. 

Eform screenshot

Once your scholar is added, 您将看到弹出屏幕,提示您处理j -1访问者bet8九州登录入口程序. 

Addition confirmation and link to application

Completing the J-1 Visitor Application

Forms to be Completed by the Department

Once you click on the J-1 Visitor Application,“J-1组访客申请”电子表格将在屏幕中央打开. 请按下列顺序填写电子表格. 

  • Departmental Instructions
  • Information Collection
  • Financial Information
  • English Proficiency Verification
  • Department Attestations

您将收到一封确认邮件,一旦您提交 Department Attestations E-form. Additionally, 学生将收到一封电子邮件,提示他们在门户网站上填写电子表格. 电子邮件将包括所有学者登录信息. 

Forms to be Completed by the Scholar

Once the scholar logs in to iCats, 他们会被提示按列出的顺序填写电子表格. 请注意,学者将无法看到已填写的部门电子表格. 

  • Scholar Information
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Immigration Information
  • Scholar Finances
  • Health Insurance Agreement
  • Dependent Information
  • Scholar Final Submit


Final Department E-form

一旦学者提交了完整的电子表格, 部门联系人将收到一封电子邮件,邀请他们返回 J-1 Visitor Application to Submit Request to Department Chair/Director E-form. 电子邮件将包括学者的信息,使搜索申请更容易. 

Once you click on the link in the email, 您将被引导到J-1访客申请查找页面. Use the Lookup to search for the application. 

In the center of the screen, look for the J-1 Visa Request, 向系主任或主任提交申请. 

Eform request

点击表格,审阅后,请点击提交. 一旦提交,电子表格的状态将显示 Routed to Third Party. 您指定的主席或主任将收到一封电子邮件,要求他们在iCats中审查申请. 主席或主任将使用其俄亥俄州的ID和密码登录iCats. Once they review the submitted information, 他们需要决定是否批准这个请求. If the E-form is approved, 提交者将收到一封电子邮件通知,通知J-1访客申请已成功提交给ISSS进行处理. 

Visiting Scholar Extension

Extension requests must be made in iCats

一旦你有了一个帐户,你可以使用你的bet8九州登录入口的ID和密码登录. 在左侧的菜单中,选择部门服务. 您将看到“J-1交流访问者延期”的请求。. Select that option to begin the process. 请注意,一旦你完成了部门信息,改革将被发送给学者. Once the scholar provides their information, 您将被通知将改革提交给您的部门主席进行最终批准.