
保持bet8九州登录入口的消息,2月. 14, 2024


We had another incredible turn out for Sibs Weekend this year! It was so great to see so many families 和 friends on campus. I'm especially impressed with our Bobcats' roller skating skills. If you attended any of the Sibs Weekend events this year, we would appreciate if you could take a moment to 请填写这份调查问卷 so we can make each Family Weekend better than the last.

February also brings 黑人历史月 celebrations to our campus. Our OHIO community is called to study 和 explore the history of Black Americans 和 help cultivate a space where Black life can be sustained, protected 和 respected on OHIO's campus 和 beyond. 学生可以参加 画廊说 在肯尼迪艺术博物馆,抓住 彩色英雄 雅典娜电影院的系列,以及 学习代码转换 这是为博览会做准备系列文章的一部分. 

Read on for important updates about FAFSA timelines, the new bet8九州登录入口拥抱 节目和住房提醒. As always, reach out if there is anything I can do to support your student.

Kathy A Fahl,城市生活垃圾


With the unpredictable weather during an Ohio winter, it can be hard to stay moving 和 energized. Encourage your student to seek out options like taking a 团体健身班,探索 访问记录参加一个学生组织,比如 CHAARG,或者报名参加户外活动 冒险之旅.  



黑人历史月 2024: African Americans 和 the Arts

Throughout the month of February, bet8九州登录入口 celebrates 黑人历史月, a time to recognize the important contributions of the Black community through American history 和 resilience in the face of discrimination.

The national theme for 2024 is “African Americans 和 the Arts,” recognizing the contributions that Black Americans have made to the visual 和 performing arts, 音乐和更多. 学生可以 参加活动、讲座和演讲 整个月.



To lessen the impact of delays 和 technical problems that some students 和 their families have been experiencing with the FAFSA, OHIO has extended its first-priority date to at least March 1.

We still encourage you to submit the FAFSA soon, 和 we want to help by inviting students to take advantage of FAFSA completion opportunities that the Office of Student Financial Aid 和 Scholarships is offering both 他将于2月18日亲自出席几乎.参见FAFSA完成提示


Well-Being 和 Recreation is searching for a Communication Lead. If your student wants to exp和 their content editing skills, 有网络经验, 并且想要处理多媒体内容, 告诉他们申请这个职位!

Student jobs are a great way to gain experience, get a head start on careers 和 connect with other Bobcats! 申请将于2月29日截止. 



恢复激励,分享和授权(R.I.S.E) is bet8九州登录入口's collegiate recovery community. This group provides support 和 resources to students seeking recovery from alcohol 和 drug misuse or other addictive disorders, as well as students impacted by the addiction of a loved one or friend. Group meetings are held on Fridays from 3-4 p.m. in Baker University Center 313 when the University is open.



If students want to participate in the 2024-25 room selection process, they need to submit their contract 和 deposit no later than February 28 at 4 p.m. This is the same deadline for if they aren't required to live on campus next year, 但我想在2024-25学年住在校园里. The Upperclass Student Contract will not be available after that date.



Is your student unsure about who they might want to live with next year? They can update their ‘Personal Information’ section on their Housing Self-Service page to make finding a roommate a little easier. Students won’t be able to match with other students until students 和 their desired roommate(s) have completed the housing contract.


Send your Bobcat a “Hug” with a unique gift basket, bright bouquet of flowers or giant chocolate chip cookie made fresh at the Culinary Services Campus Bakery. You can also recognize your Bobcat’s important events with a Special Occasion Cake 和 personalized greeting card. Bakery orders include plates, napkins 和 forks. Gluten-free 和 vegan cake/cookie options are also available. 

Bobcats can pick up their “Hugs” at Jefferson Marketplace on East Green, 南绿地的纳尔逊球场, 或者西格林区. For questions about an order, please contact Jefferson Marketplace at jeffmarket@俄亥俄州.edu or 740-597-5947.



Does your student live in Jefferson Hall on campus? The City of 雅典 recently updated the mailing address for this residence hall. The new address for Jefferson Hall is 101 E. 雅典联合街,OH 45701.

All packages 和 mail should be addressed like the following example:

101 E. 联合街

伸出手去 housing@俄亥俄州.edu 如果你有任何问题.



2月24日上午11点.m.-11 p.m.
BobcaThon is hosting its 10th annual dance marathon at Ping Recreation Center to raise money for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio. There will be dancing, games, free food, prizes, raffles 和 more! 


The bet8九州登录入口 History Department presents the 2024 拉扎罗夫纪念讲座 titled "Roma, 犹太人, 和大屠杀,由教授呈献. Ari Joskowicz (V和erbilt University) in the Baker University Theater. 这个活动是免费向公众开放的.


3月3日| 5-7点.m.
Have you ever wanted to see what other residence halls have to offer before room selection? Attend an open house viewing of available second-year residence halls. You'll also be entered to win a chance to select your room early in priority room selection! 


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