bet8九州登录入口 enrollment grows with another record-breaking incoming class

bet8九州登录入口(bet8九州登录入口) 2023年秋季入学人数攀升,雅典的一年级新生人数创下了纪录, growth in incoming regional campus and online students, and a remarkable climb in student retention.



雅典, OHIO – As bet8九州登录入口 moves into its third week of classes for the fall semester, 初步的入学普查数据已经公布,俄亥俄州的总入学人数攀升,雅典的一年级新生又创下了纪录, significant growth in incoming student enrollment on regional campuses, increases in new online and transfer student populations, and a remarkable climb in first-to-second-year student retention University-wide.

President Lori Stewart Gonzalez, who began her term as OHIO’s 23rd 7月1日, 她说,她认为这种增长最终是关于学生选择一种能让他们走向成功的经历. “Our University has really doubled down on delivering the kind of high-value, 现实世界的经验,准备学生成功的职业生涯,同时也控制成本,确保学生能够如期完成学位,冈萨雷斯说.

“It’s about value, and it’s about place,” she said. “我们提供沉浸式体验, college-town experience in 雅典 with an atmosphere that is unmatched in Ohio; our students in the region who want to stay in their community can pursue a degree on one of our regional campuses; and we have robust online offerings for students who want to access an OHIO degree without the commute.”

The class of 2027 Class photo at Peden Stadium.

The class of 2027 Class photo at Peden Stadium.

雅典 campus welcomes another record first-year class, growth in transfer students

OHIO’s fall 2023 first-year cohort on the 雅典 campus tipped over the 4,今年500点, beating the fall 2022 all-time record of 4,441 with 4,516名新生. The incoming class boasts students from all 88 Ohio counties, 37个州, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. The University also saw significant growth in students from neighboring West Virginia, with more than 100 new first-year Bobcats hailing from the Mountain State, 比去年增加了66%.

这个班级包括创纪录数量的一年级新生,他们将是他们家族中第一个获得学位的人, at 1,138 or 25.百分之五的学生. The proportion of 雅典 campus Pell-eligible enrolled freshmen grew to 23.5%, an almost 3 percent increase year over year.



Emily works in Ronan Carroll Lab in the Life Sciences building.

Emily works in Ronan Carroll Lab in the Life Sciences building.

一名学生在<a href=''>bet8九州登录入口</a>可持续能源与环境研究所从事研究项目.




Student retention climbs in 雅典 and on regional campuses

OHIO’s student retention from first to second year increased 3.8分到82分.7%. 执行副校长兼教务长伊丽莎白·塞尔斯指出,近年来有两项变化可能有助于学生保留率的提高. The first is the launch of the University’s Guarantee+ Graduation Plans, 通过与学生一对一的工作,从他们在俄亥俄的开始就计划他们的四年经历,确保学生按时按计划毕业. 除了, the University brought together its advising, 从实践经验中学习, 职业网络团队, 还有教师指导, provides students with comprehensive planning around their total academic experience.

“我们一直在有意重组我们的团队,以更统一的方式支持学生的成功,塞尔斯说。. “我相信我们看到了担保+毕业计划的影响,加上我们教师的出色工作, 我们有信心,随着时间的推移,保留率的提高将转化为四年毕业率和职业安置率的持续增长.”

On OHIO’s five regional campuses in 兰开斯特, Chillicothe, Ironton, 赞斯维尔 and St. Clairsville, retention also went up 10.8分到63分.8%. The Guarantee+ Graduation Plan program will launch on all regional campuses this fall.



Students study and enjoy some down time together on College Green.

Students study and enjoy some down time together on College Green.

A student in the Chillicothe校园 talks with an advisor.

A student in the Chillicothe校园 talks with an advisor.

Double-digit new student growth on regional campuses

除了不断攀升的留存率, OHIO’s regional campuses saw a rebound for new first-year students, enrolling 731 students across the system, 比2022年秋季增加14%. 这一增长是在 重新调整项目提供的重点 on OHIO’s regional campuses to meet regional workforce needs, resulting in growth in in-demand fields such as business and nursing. 致力于社区的地区学生也受益于旨在增加他们进入大学和在大学取得成功的新项目, 包括 俄亥俄州地区承诺. 该地区承诺奖涵盖入学第一年的全部学费和强制性费用, 全职, 符合佩尔资格的地区校区学生,高中平均成绩不低于3分.0.



Education students listen to student presentations at the Chillicothe校园.

Education students listen to student presentations at the Chillicothe校园.

Continued strong enrollments in medicine and health sciences

bet8九州登录入口 educates more of the state’s healthcare providers than any other University, 该大学在雅典的健康科学项目的入学人数持续增长, 在地区校园和网上.

Total enrollment for OHIO’s College of Health Sciences and Professions came in at 6,871 enrolled students across all campuses. The college welcomed a record incoming class in 雅典 at 645 new first-year students.

俄亥俄州传统骨科医学学院(Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine)的三校区医学院共有996名学生, 比上一年略有增加. 传统学院是该州最大的初级保健医生提供者,在雅典设有校区, 都柏林和克利夫兰.

Diabetes researchers work in the ARC labs.

Diabetes researchers work in the ARC labs.

Students assist College of Health Sciences and Professions faculty with their research.

Students assist College of Health Sciences and Professions faculty with their research.

A medical student scrubs in for surgery.

A medical student scrubs in for surgery.

First year students from 雅典, Cleveland and Dublin pose for a photo at Heritage Hall.

First year students from 雅典, Cleveland and Dublin pose for a photo at Heritage Hall.

Record new student enrollment in several academic colleges

雅典大学的Russ工程与技术学院以432名一年级学生创下了新的学生入学记录. 今年秋天,学院将开设 罗斯研究与机会中心, 哪个将作为学院的几个中心和研究所的所在地,这些中心和研究所致力于解决一些地区和国家最重大的工程挑战.

文理学院, 商学院和美术学院也在2023年秋季迎来了创纪录的新生.



Carrie Sutherford stands in front of paintings in the Passion Works, where she worked as a student in the 美术学院.

Carrie Sutherford stands in front of paintings in the Passion Works, where she worked as a student in the 美术学院.

Growth in online new student enrollment

俄亥俄州在线本科课程的新生入学人数增长了近12%. 这一增长包括该大学获得aacsb认证的在线商学学士学位课程的入学人数大幅增加, the Russ College’s new Bachelor of Science in Project Management, and Interior Architecture in Fine Arts. The University also saw a return to new student enrollment growth in OHIO’s popular, 认可的在线rn - bsn计划, which is the University’s oldest and largest undergraduate online program. The University also saw growth in select online master’s programs including Chemistry, 社会工作, 和卫生管理局.

In the Fall of 2022, OHIO hired its first 俄亥俄在线副教务长, and the University expects continued expansion of its online program portfolio. 2023年,《官方网站》将俄亥俄州排在第1位. 1 among Ohio universities for online education.

A History instructor teaches a hybrid class on the 赞斯维尔校区.

A History instructor teaches a hybrid class on the 赞斯维尔校区.


bet8九州登录入口’s total preliminary enrollment for Fall 2023 came in at 28,324, a growth of 2.5%. 这一增长包括.6 percent growth in total enrollment on the 雅典 campus.

“我们很荣幸, 在我们所有的校园和网上, 因此,许多学生和他们的家人继续相信bet8九州登录入口学位的价值,坎迪斯说. Boeninger, vice president for Enrollment Management. “毫无疑问,俄亥俄州持续的招生成功是由我们对独特和有需求的学术课程的关注所驱动的, 但这些数字也反映了有才华的教职员工的奉献精神,他们每天都在努力确保学生获得入学所需的支持,并在bet8九州登录入口取得成功.”

朋友 study together at a coffee shop on Court Street.

朋友 study together at a coffee shop on Court Street.